Students outside of Mrak Hall

About GPP

Students are exceptional when they enter the Guardian Professions Program (GPP) program – exceptional for their ambition and determination to earn an advanced college degree despite the many barriers experience by former foster youth. In the Guardian Professions program they meet caring people: university advisors, donors, board members, community members and others who are equally determined that these youth have access to the resources necessary to fulfill their dreams. As a GPP partner, you can assist these former foster youth as they design their academic experience, work lives and futures.

Donors especially enjoy the rewards of getting to know the scholars, watching them thrive and seeing firsthand how these talented and deserving students make the most of the Program opportunities. If you would like to make a gift to the Guardian Professions Program, you can do so by clicking donate.

UC Davis has over 90 different graduate programs as well as many highly ranked professional schools. In addition to the opportunities available in their respective departments, UC Davis graduate students have a full range of professional development support through Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Career Services and the GradPathways Program. Find out more on how to participate in our program or support our scholars by completing our GPP inquiry form.